Welcome to Wherebookscollide!

Hi, I'm Mimi! So you could probably already tell that I am a huge book fanatic, fall in love with way too many fictional characters and cry about unexpected plot twists and unfair deaths ALL THE TIME.
My main genres are YA contemporary and fantasy, though I also read a lot of middle-grade fiction and new adult novels mixed in between!
I am also a sucker for most common tropes in YA - just give me a tall, dark and handsome love interest, a funny and relatable AF protagonist and some very, very unpredictable plot twists and I'm all ears (and eyes because of the read- you know, you get it)!
If you know me from bookstagram, you know I'm a big believer in raising awareness for diverse reads and topics - which is why I created the hashtag #mentalhealthmonday where on the first and third Monday of every month, I'd love to see all of your thoughts, opinions and feels on mental health - whether it's about a book, a movie, or a real life person who is connected to the topic.

If I'm not reading, you can find me in the woods on long walks where I listen to my favorite albums on repeat, stuck in the kitchen baking way more batches of cookies than I could possibly eat, or trying to write a YA fantasy novel that will probably see the light of day around the time a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reboot is going to happen :D

So, you're probably wondering right about now (if you're still here and managed to read through that rambling) what this blog will be about (books, duh, but I mean more in detail):
Every Sunday there will be a new review of one of my many, many reads that I need to discuss with booklovers!
And every Wednesday there will be a fun post about something book related - not to ruin the surprise, but Harry Potter fans might consider looking forward to the first post - it's a fun one!
In between, you can expect rants and recommendations about diverse reads, #feministfriday and #mentalhealthmonday posts, and so much more!
So, I hope you'll stick around and join me on this wondrous journey into a new chapter of being obsessed with books!



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